Author: Ray Woodard
- 2015-06-07
Pray these words over our cities… We invite you to pray for these items whenever you have the opportunity to pray. Each day at 10:02 am/pm, we invite you to…
- 2015-05-31
We invite you to pray for these items whenever you have the opportunity to pray. Each day at 10:02 am/pm, we invite you to join a growing group who pause…
We would like to inform the greater WestCoast Baptist Association family of the passing of a dear sister in the Lord.Dina Jeler passed away at home on Wednesday evening about…
- 2015-05-24
We invite you to pray for these items whenever you have the opportunity to pray. Each day at 10:02 am/pm, we invite you to join a growing group who pause…
- 2015-05-17
Each Day at 10:02 am/pm each day, we ask you to pray for God to call out workers for the harvest. This week pray that in our churches we would…
- 2015-05-10
Each Day at 10:02 am/pm each day, we ask you to pray for God to call out workers for the harvest. This week allow your daily times of pray to use these…
- 2015-05-03
Each Day at 10:02 am/pm each day, we ask you to pray for God to call out workers for the harvest. This week allow your daily times of pray to…
도전! 웨스트코스트: 교회개척의 우선순
Ray Woodard, Church Planting Catalyst 우리 지방회의 교회개척 현황을 검토 하며 씨앗을 뿌릴 때와 추수를 할 때 가 있음을 다시 한 번 깨닫습니다. 지 금 우리는 앞서간 주의 종들이 뿌린…
西岸挑戰: 植堂的首要任務
胡達得—教會植堂統籌 當我審視我們區會植堂的情景 時,我重新意識到撒種有時、收 割有時。我們正在收割其他人在 我們以先已撒開的種。我們今天 所撒的就是我們未來的年日裡要 收割的。作為這篇文字的一個讀 者,你在所處的各個“空間” 裡,你在言語、態度、及行為方 面撒播了什麼? 植堂並非開創一個新的機構,它 是關於接觸社群中的未得之民, 因此我們必須用愛心去撒種。要 得著未得之民必須是我們決策裡 的首要任務(哥林多前書15)。 我們的願景是區會裡有150間教 會,因此我們必須培植倍增這願景。這願景比任何一間教會或個 人都大,所以我們必須培植一個 合作的精神。由於資源有限,因 此我們必須培養一個慷慨的態 度。要作的工艱鉅,因此我們必 須忍耐和堅毅地作工。 聽到了年青的植堂教會的夢想和 願景,我備受鼓舞。他們計劃要 在以下地區植堂:高貴林、本拿 比、新西敏士特、列治文、直至 河谷並溫哥華島。 但真正的喜樂是來自去週的幾項 報告。 一個經常被一群禱告勇士提名記…
WestCoast Challenge: Church Planting Priorities
Ray Woodard, Church Planting Catalyst As I examine the landscape of church planting in our association, I have realized anew there are seasons for sowing and seasons for reaping. We…
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