CNBC WestCoast

We are
CNBC WestCoast

in Partnership with the WestCoast Baptist Association

We are a Family of Churches developing people into Christ-likeness and launching them into His mission.
We envision a day when there is a life-changing church for every person in British Columbia.

The WestCoast Baptist Association originally established as the Capilano Southern Baptist Association in 1955, we are a multi-cultural group of 80 churches voluntarily affiliating with each other and working together to advance God’s Kingdom at home and around the world.

Our collaboration expresses itself in the following ways.

  1. We inspire and resource the planting of new churches.
  2. We inspire and resource a commitment to disciple – making.
  3. We support, train, and encourage leaders.
  4. We create opportunities that strengthen relationships among those who wish to see the advancement of God’s kingdom in this region. 
  5. We communicate and pray for God’s favour.

Our beliefs are those common with most Baptist entities and can be found here.

The values that we hold most dear and that motivate us in this collaboration are as follows.

  1. Jesus is right. This is the conviction that everything begins and ends with Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life and that eternal and abundant life is found in Him alone.
  2. The Gospel is Key. This is the recognition that the vast majority of people in this region live in ignorance of their spiritual lostness and have no hope outside Jesus. 
  3. Love is supreme. We love God, our fellow believers, our neighbours, and even our enemies believing that this is the way of Christ in all things.
  4. Cooperation is better. This is the admission that we are better together. We believe that we can do far more together than we can ever do alone.

If you wish to know more about us or we can serve you in some way please contact us at (604) 904-8908 or click here to contact us.

Our Beliefs

We are about the Holy Bible. Learn more about our Statement of Faith. More>>

Our History

From 1955 with 30 people to today as a family of 80 churches, God continues to call us to make disciples. More>>

Our Team

Our leaders strive to passionate about spreading gospel love in British Columia. More>>

Our Partners

We partner and affiliate with entities in our Southern Baptist family to best serve God's Purpose. More>>

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