Monday Morning Manna: The Joy of Receiving


The voice on the other end of the phone line said, “God wants us to minister to you and your wife.” It was a voice that I had not heard in many years, but it belonged to one who had re-connected with me on social media. My wife had just undergone her second major surgery in less than a year, and while insurance had paid the majority of the cost, the remaining “co-pays” were still a bit overwhelming, especially on a retirement income. We had dipped into our savings until there wasn’t much left to dip, and still the bills arrived. For most of my life I have been more of a “Giver” than a “Receiver.” I understand, and in fact, enjoy, the joy of giving. I find it to be one of the ways I can attempt to be Christ-like. However, when Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35); surely He did not intend to diminish the joy of receiving. While being a bit embarrassed to admit we needed it, we joyfully received the “ministry” gift from our friends from years gone by. I don’t often quote the Pope, but in an interview with Italy’s “La Stampa” newspaper, Pope Francis said, “God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving.” I’m praying today to be as capable of receiving as I am of giving.

Dr. Dan Crawford, Senior Professor at Southwestern Baptist Seminary, is the WestCoast Baptist Association’s Spiritual Life & Leadership Mentor. Follow Dan on Twitter @DrDanRC and Facebook


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