Monday Morning Manna: My Non-essential Haircut
The truth can now be told. While Barber Shops were still under orders to remain closed, during the COVID-19 lock down, my barber called me and asked if I needed my hair trimmed (not cut as that would be illegal). “That or a dog tag” I replied. My Dad once said the worst thing about moving to a new town was having to find a new doctor and a new barber. I’m fortunate to have found both. I’ve had the same barber for about twenty-five years. Obviously, we’ve become good friends, so he offered to meet me at his “non-essential” barber shop. “Park next door” he said. I did so, and wearing my coronavirus mask, I walked to the Barber Shop. He unlocked the door, and then locked it behind us. I noticed the blinds were still closed over the front windows. I got my hair trimmed, and he unlocked the door and let me out. We think this was OK, since I have an essential job of preaching every Sunday, but it was the strangest non-essential haircut that I ever received. One day, Sampson got a non-essential haircut and the enemy waited for him outside the door (Judges 16:19). Just in case what we did was illegal, I’m glad all the police officers in the area of my barber shop were not waiting outside the door, but rather were sheltered in place at “essential” donut and coffee shops.
Dr. Dan Crawford, Senior Professor at Southwestern Baptist Seminary, is the WestCoast Baptist Association’s Spiritual Life & Leadership Mentor. Follow Dan on Twitter @DrDanRC and Facebook