Monday Morning Manna
Monday Morning Manna: When God is Behind Rather Than in Front
I was recently faced with a major decision concerning my future. I realized that the older I got the fewer options I had, and this one was complicated because it…
Monday Morning Manna: Living and Rejoicing in the Moment
I am preparing to speak to another group of Senior Adults. There was a day when most of my preparation time was devoted to young adults – college students, seminary…
Monday Morning Manna: Pray it Forward
I pulled up to the drive-thru window at the burger restaurant with money in hand, only to be greeted by a smiling teenager saying, “Your meal has been paid for,…
Monday Morning Manna: A Non-musician among Many Musicians
</ I was doing some reflection over my years of ministry and made a startling discovery. Many of my best friends in ministry were/are musicians. Not surprising, I come from…
Monday Morning Manna: Creeping and Soaring
The days are different. Some days I find myself with high energy, desiring to accomplish much. Then on other days, I just want to sit on the porch and sip…
Monday Morning Manna: Where Was Prayer in the Debates?
I confess that I opted to watch baseball on TV last week vs. watching twenty Democratic want-a-be Presidential candidates debate the issues. I did surf the networks back and forth…
Monday Morning Manna: When a Why Question Has No Immediate Answer
We are sometimes like children in that we get frustrated when our “Why” questions do not get immediate answers. Last week marked the one-year anniversary of the death of my…
Monday Morning Manna: Being Thankful on Father’s Day
Yesterday was Father’s Day. One year, I wrote a poem for my Dad, entitled “Thanksgiving on Father’s Day” in which I thanked him for being a model father, demonstrating for…
Monday Morning Manna: Being Called Dad
I have been called by many titles. Some of my titles have come by position – Pastor, Director, Consultant, Professor; some by achievement – teammate, colleague, author; some by relationship…
Monday Morning Manna: From Multi-task to Single Focus
Most of my early heroes were workaholics, and some were also perfectionists. What an amazing, yet deadly mix! No surprise then, that I developed the same two traits. Then I…
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