Monday Morning Manna: Another Soldier’s Headed Home
What a visit it was, just last week! He was one of my Dad’s best friends. He was one of my brother’s heroes. During my teen-age years, he was one of my greatest encouragers. Now he is ninety-nine years old and on hospice care. Gone are the days of his distinguished military career as a bomber pilot with the 93rd Bombardment Group in World War II. Gone are the days of his athletic skills. Gone are the days of his deep solo voice. Preceding him in death were his wife and two daughters. A remaining daughter is now his caretaker. “I’m ready” he said, “ready to go tonight or stay around for my 100th birthday, whatever God wants.” His voice was soft, interrupted occasionally by a breathing treatment. He spoke of memories of my Dad, and my brother, and I reminded him of my first sermon – a well-rehearsed and practiced thirty-minute sermon that lasted all of eight minutes. He replied with the same encouraging comment he had used at the conclusion of that sermon, so many years ago – “I like short sermons.” Words from Janet Paschal, quoted by my brother, at my father’s funeral, seem appropriate once again:
”Strike up the band assemble the choir
another soldier’s coming home
another warrior hears the call
he’s waited for so long
he’ll battle no more
cause he won his wars
make sure heaven’s table
has room for at least one more
sing a welcome song
another soldier’s coming home,”
He’s almost finished his course. He has most certainly kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7). We often speak of great saints arriving in heaven to hear God’s welcome of “‘well done, good and faithful servant.” (Matthew 25:21). God does not lie. Not everyone who enters heaven will hear these words. Only those will hear “well done” who have done well. Only those who have served faithfully, will be called “faithful servant.” While not everyone will hear these words, I am convinced that Glenn Martin will hear them, perhaps soon. Well done, my friend. Well done!
Dr. Dan Crawford, Senior Professor at Southwestern Baptist Seminary, is the WestCoast Baptist Association’s Spiritual Life & Leadership Mentor. Follow Dan on Twitter @DrDanRC and Facebook