A Church’s Response to COVID-19
It is not easy for people of faith to know how to respond to the current COVID-19 Crisis. Some say we should not let anything interfere with our worship of God. Others would say that we need to be careful that we do not become part of the problem. I believe, that God can help us navigate these uncertain times in ways that both honour God and support the ongoing work of our civic leaders to deal with the COVID-19 Crisis.
Many of our churches, in order to be good neighbours and protect the weakest in their number have chosen to not have services for the near future. Some of them are live streaming their worship so that their people can participate from home. Others are meeting but are establishing certain protocols to keep people safe.
Here are some such safeguards.
1. Encourage people to stay informed. Healthlink BC continues to provide the most up-to-date information on the spread of the virus, how to protect yourself, and what to do if you have been exposed. You can access the latest information at www.canada.ca/coronavirus and www.healthlinkbc.ca/health-feature/coronavirus-covid-19.
2. Modify the way you greet one another. Although handshakes and hugs are natural expressions of affection, the recommendation is for us to refrain from such activities until further notice. In lieu of our customary greetings, you may opt for the “elbow-bump,” waving, or other minimal contact alternatives.
3. Sanitize both your building and yourself. Sanitize your hands or wash them thoroughly with soap and water as it is an effective way of preventing the spread of the coronavirus. Be sure that high traffic areas and high use surfaces such as doorknobs and countertops at the church are cleaned often.
4. Forgo the sharing of food and use disposable communion cups. Instead of passing the offering plate have people place the offerings into the plate before or after the service.
5. If you become ill with symptoms of COVID-19, have visited a high-risk area, or have been in contact with a high-risk individual, it is recommended that you call 8-1-1. A public health nurse will advise you on what steps to take next. Do not attend church, go to work, or the mall. Stay home and follow the counsel of your health care professional.
6. Pray. Pray for healthcare workers, the sick, world leaders, and especially that people might recognize the fragility of their lives and how desperately is their need of Jesus. Pray that even in these days of crisis we might be God’s servants who bring His wisdom, love, and care into every circumstance.
I trust that God will lead you as you lead your church in its response to this crisis. We are praying for you.
– Hamish