Monday Morning Manna
Monday Morning Manna: United Prayer of the Nations
Last week I participated in the North American Prayer Summit in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada (the oldest and most easterly city in North America). Prayer leaders from North American countries,…
MondayMorning manna: Joanne’s Year
One year after the fall, fractured pelvis, dislocated from the hip, trauma surgery, twelve inch stainless steel plate inserted in leg, hospital stay, rehab facility stay, twelve weeks immobile, home…
Monday Morning Manna: The Joy of Receiving
The voice on the other end of the phone line said, “God wants us to minister to you and your wife.” It was a voice that I had not heard…
Monday Morning Manna: My Friend, Mark
The picture is black & white, faded a bit, with torn edges, survivor of six decades. It is a group of Royal Ambassadors, standing in front of their church family,…
Monday Morning Manna: When God Says No
When we get that for which we pray, we say God answered our prayer. When we fail to get that for which we pray, we say, God didn’t answer our…
Monday Morning Manna: Going Home Again – Not so Bad
Have you ever returned to a place that was once home, only to be surprised as to how much it had changed? I did so recently (I have twelve cities…
Monday Morning Manna: How We Say Thanks
Yesterday I began my twenty-fourth interim pastorate. As far as I know, all have been thankful for my service, but not all have expressed their thanks the same way. On…
Monday Morning Manna: Missioners
The first nurse I ever met was Inez Gilliam Crawford at Kings Daughters Hospital in Temple, Texas. She was my mother and that’s where I was born. The most recent…
Monday Morning Manna: Your Place on the Team
Attending a baseball game recently, I had a flashback to my own playing days and this interesting reflection – I never hit a Home Run – not in Little League,…
Monday Morning Manna: Old Timey Preaching
It finally happened! I was introduced as an “old timey preacher.” The only time I dislike introductions is when I have to live up to one. So what were they…
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