Monday Morning Manna
Monday Morning Manna: Leave my Clock Alone
We observed time-change Sunday again yesterday. I’ve been doing this twice a year for fifty years, and I still can’t remember which way to change my clock. Do I fall…
Monday Morning Manna: Long Lasting Friendships
I love friendships. I guess that’s why I love my college Homecoming so much. I have friends that have come and gone. I have friends with whom I have completely…
Monday Morning Manna: A Pastor Appreciation Prayer
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. As we “Remember those . . . who have spoken the word of God” (Hebrews 13:7), I like to share a long-ago newspaper-clipped “Prayer for…
Monday Morning Manna: Motivated by Pride
I spoke last Saturday at the 95th anniversary of the East Texas State University (now known as Texas A&M, Commerce) Baptist Student Ministry. Many years ago, I served as Director…
Monday Morning Manna: Pray for Las Vegas and More
As we sat in the airport awaiting our flight and watched as people boarded the flight at the adjacent gate – Allegiant Airlines flight 417, non-stop to Las Vegas, we…
Monday Morning Manna: The Fire is Still Burning
We once had a beautiful long-haired dachshund. Even in her later years, all I had to do was say the word, “Go” and she would jump from wherever she was…
Monday Morning Manna: A Prayer Meeting Surrender
Fifty years ago, this month I began a six-year tenure serving as the Baptist Student Minister and Bible Instructor at Pan American University. This week I am speaking five times…
Monday Morning Manna: A Lesson from a Hurricane Survivor
It was a High School football game. He sat a few seats from me on the same row. After awhile he asked me, “Who are these teams?” I told him,…
Monday Morning Manna: Where Was God in the Midst of the Hurricane?
Last Monday’s morning manna, “Things Seen and Not Seen in Hurricane Harvey” went viral so I am told. This week’s Manna may well go the opposite direction. I am getting…
Monday Morning Manna: Things Seen and Not Seen in Hurricane Harvey
Having grown up in Houston, I sat glued to my TV set for hours watching the recent crisis created by record-breaking Hurricane Harvey. There were several things I did not…
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