Monday Morning Manna
Monday Morning Manna: Praying Through Transitions
Transition is tough! I wonder how old does one need to be before life is not punctuated by transitions? I’m not sure. You’ll need to ask that question to someone…
Monday Morning Manna: The Place of Women
Some bumper stickers make me want to pull off the road and reflect. Such was the one that read, “Keep Women in Their Place.” So where exactly is their place?…
Monday Morning Manna: Pastor Appreciation Month
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. The first pastor I remember was L.B. Reavis, from whom I received my middle name. He was followed by E. Hermond Westmoreland, under whose ministry…
Monday Morning Manna: Applying Wisdom to Grief
Since grief is such a big subject, there isn’t a single definition that covers it. A commonly used definition is “Grief is the normal and natural emotional reaction to loss…
Monday Morning Manna: Pain in the Neck, Thorn in the Flesh, and Sufficient Grace
Referring to an annoyance, or a nuisance, as “a pain in the neck” is a colloquial expression that dates from about 1900. My first “pain in the neck” came when…
Monday Morning Manna: What God Can Do, and What We Can Do
To my surprise, the church announced their high-attendance Sunday goal and then prayed that God would help them to reach it. I was only their Interim Pastor, so was not…
Monday Morning Manna: Building Things that Last
How quickly some of the things we build get destroyed. From the time I started public school until I graduated from High School, my family lived in six houses. Five…
Monday Morning Manna: See You at the House
I made yet another emotional trip to Tennessee, this time to pick up several boxes of my late brother’s possessions – another trip I thought I’d never need to make.…
Monday Morning Manna: Second Mile Friends
What does a real friend do? I now have a new answer to that question. It was a sickening feeling to arrive at my hotel and begin unpacking my luggage…
Monday Morning Manna: The Need to be Taught to Pray
I’m about to try something I’ve not done before. For many years I occupied the Chair of Prayer at Southwestern Baptist Seminary and taught a very popular course on prayer…
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